Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blog Reflection

Seeing my first quarter grades today I'm quite pleased. I guess there is always room for improvement in everything though. I guess I would try and get everything and every blog in on time and do them when they are assigned instead of waiting till the last minute. What I did right was probably very little but enough to get by. My goals this quarter is to work harder and to care more about my grade on this blog. I will keep up on my reading so I don't have to rush at the end. Those are my goals and what I did right and wrong.

My attitude toward the blogs have change very little. I still dislike having to read two books right now, The Scarlet Letter along with my chosen book The Boy Who Dared. Having to do both is challenging and obnoxious. Even in saying that, blogging is better than writting paper after paper on these books and having a shorter due date for them. With bloging you have new and different topics each week and different choices. One thing I do hate about blogging is that it is all on the computer. I hate dealing with electronics all the time. They are very unrealiable and sometimes complicated to use also to do these assignment you have to have computer along with internet. Some days the internet can be slow or even not work because of natural things or technical problems.

My new book for the second quater is The Boy Who Dared. I know many who have read it and I've gotten some good reviews so I am hopeful. Another reason I chose this book is because its based in the time of World War II which is a time I enjoy reading along with other times in history. This quater I hope to have more creative blogs with more pictures/ visual refferences. I think just reading a blog is boring and I think it makes my blog look boring and bland. I hope to also have my blogs up more contenuiously rather than last quater when they were all put up at the end. That is my new book and what you might see on my blog. Still can't believe its still going on, Oh fun....


  1. Emalee, I love how honest you are in your blog. You just tell it how it is. I also have a problem with procrasinating as well. I always do things last minute. Hopefully we will both get better with blogging this quarter. I also agree with your comment about how it is difficult to read two books this quarter and having to do different things for both. I have also heard that The Boy Who Dared is a very good book and I had considered reading it myself. I'm glad to hear you will make your blog interesting instead of just reading information about it. I'm the kind of person who loves music as you know and pictures so I think adding those things will help your blog and be more interesting. I am really looking forward to reading your blog this quarter!

  2. Emalee, Again I have to compliment you and how opena and honest you are on your blogs. It honestly makes my day.Since we are best friends it doesnt surprise me that we are both MAJOR procrastinators. I always wait until the absoulte last day to do a five page essay. I have to agree with you on your comment about reading two books. Im having a hard time keeping my reading equal for both books. The Scarlet Letter is lengthy and confusing. Therefore I tend to spend more time on that one. Anyway, I hope you find this quarter a little more entertaining. I am looking forward to more of your honest comments!! :)

  3. Emalee, first of all I want to say this blog is amazing! I love how you say what you think and feel and what you like and don't like. I feel the same way on many of your points such as dealing with electronics all the time and reading two books. It seems to be a lot of people's goal not to procrastinate on their blogs this quarter, and it is one of mine as well, even though I still procrastinate a lot lol. I think you are well on your way to having a great blog this quarter because you sound determined and focused on it and you are reading a great book (in my opinion). How do you like The Boy Who Dared? Have you finished it?
